Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Nap Time!

Hey!! Look at Me and my Mom taking a nap! I love taking naps with her. She wouldn't let me cuddle with her this time though because I kept licking her face. I was just trying to soothe her to sleep, but she said it kept her awake. So we shared a pillow instead. Man, I love being around my Mom. I don't have any videos to upload yet, but you should see the dance I can do. It's great and my Mom and Dad always smile and laugh when I do it. I'll try to get a video for you guys! :)
Well, I'm gonna go searching through the house. Shhh, don't tell Marlow. I want her to come find me. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

our friends

Hi again! Thanks for coming to listen to me talk. I like when people listen to me because it makes me feel important (even though Mom tells me I'm important daily). I wanted to share some pictures of our friends! =] I love having friends. I really do have a lot! These are some of our most recent buddies. They are so pretty, don't you agree?

If you want to be our friend... We'd love to hear from you! I bet mom would even let us have a play date or a skype date! Oh, that'd be so much fun!

Well enjoy your day! It's supposed to snow. BRRR


Monday, February 27, 2012

Big News!!!

Hey!! I have really big and exciting news to share with you. I, Ellie, am getting better! I am gaining weight and feel so much better. I have finally gained control of the disease. I take my medicine every day like a champion. I am able to get out and enjoy life more too. I don't shake anymore and I feel great. I wish you all could see my transformation. I feel great and I want to shout it out!!!! Mom even took me out on a car ride this weekend! Well, I'm gonna get out and enjoy the day!

So long!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

It's Friday!

Hi! :) It's Savanna and it's Friday! This makes me happy because on the weekends I get to see my family a lot more! Marlow and I get a lot more playing time together too. I'm so happy I moved in with this family and have 3 sisters. I think I got lucky. I've heard of some dogs that have no siblings, that would be boring. Since Marlow is my age we like to do the same things. And, Emma and Ellie always keep us in check. Sometimes they are too serious, but I guess it's because they've been around longer and know more. hehe

I wish I could meeting everyone reading this. I love people and people usually love me. I'm not shy at all, but sometimes Mom says I can be annoying to people.. (whatever that means). Well thanks for stopping in today, if you live close, come visit me!! Maybe I can go to my Aunt Ali's soon. hehe, I hope she reads this!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

I love my sister.

Hi, It's Ellie again. Mom says we need to start saying who we are when we talk, because people won't know who we are. (Who really cares) But, I guess I'll do what Mom says. 

I wanted to talk about my sister, Emma, and me. We are inseparable. When I move, she moves with me. I can't even take a nap without her basically being on top of me or snuggled right up next to me. Mom gave us a treat and she had to sit right next to me. I'll show you a picture. 
See! That's me on the left... and Emma just snuck right up behind me to eat her treat next to me. She's so silly, but I love her so much. She's my best friend in the whole world. And I have a lot of friends! hehe

Here is another picture of Emma. I think she was trying to catch some sun rays. She looks really pretty, so I told her that I would post this picture of her 
I hope everyone has a great day today. Appreciate the small things in life! I've had to learn that over my 9 long years of life. Now that I'm not as healthy, I try not to take anything for-granted anymore. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Good Morning!

Hello Hello Hello!! This morning has been so great. My favorite thing about the mornings is torturing Marlow and also my back/belly rubs. The first thing I do every morning is snuggle up to Mom and just bother her until she wakes up and rubs my back. Emma and Ellie always try to sneak in and steal her hands away, but since I'm bigger I don't budge. This morning Mom made sure to give me lots of back rubs with no interruptions. I'm going to be a good girl for her today. I love her so much.

I feel bad for Ellie today. Since she is going blind, she sometimes runs into things. Look what she did this morning because she didn't see the food bowl. Her little nose hit it and all the pieces went flying. Don't worry, I helped her clean the mess by eating the food! :) hehe

<3 Savanna <3

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bath Time

As promised, Mom gave all 4 of us baths. We hate bath time, especially in the winter. Lucky for me (Marlow), I get to take my baths in the big tub while the rest of them take theirs in the sink. Haha ...those tiny munchkin sisters of mine... Mom took pictures of us so we could post them on here. We look ridiculous when we are wet.

Here they are...
Me, Marlow




I hope we don't have to take baths for a long time, but since I like to play in the dirt so much... that wish probably won't come true. 

So.. if you're reading this.. you must go take a shower too! Since I had to suffer through it, you should too! :)  

Monday, February 20, 2012

Doggy Skype

Hey everyone!! It's Monday! I love Mondays, even though everyone else is grouchy. We had a great weekend here at the house. We played and a lot of people came over to visit us... well they were visiting our family, but I'd like to think they were coming just to see me. Last night, we got to do something so fun.. we skyped our best friend Winnie! She is my mom's, best friend's dog. She's so awesome, but sometimes she thinks she can beat me at things, but I don't let her. HaHa

Here is a picture of my mom skyping Winnie, we couldn't be in the picture because Mom couldn't push the button if we were.

Mom says we have to get baths tonight. All 4 of us. I'll upload some pictures tomorrow!

Happy Monday everyone! If you want to come over and rub my back, that's always an option... if Mom says it's okay. :)


Friday, February 17, 2012

Let's play!

Good morning! Savanna here! Look how pretty I look with my bows in my hair. I love when my mom let's me get them. This morning has been a typical morning. Right when I woke up, I went and talked to Marlow since she was in her cage. She always gets mad at me because I'm out and about and she's not. But, it's not my fault that I get out first. I guess Mom just likes me better, okay im kidding!

I was searching around the yard today for a place to get out of the fence. I am determined to get out. One time I got out and Mom had to chase me. It was such a fun game, but she was not happy. I had to sit in time out. Maybe I'll grow out of it one day.. haha, yea right! Life's too short to not explore.

Well, Marlow wants to play so I gotta go! RUFF!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Forgotten Details

Hi there...This is Ellie speaking. I'm a lot less outgoing than my sister, but I wanted to fill you in on some things about me. I'm pretty shy and she forgot to mention a HUGE detail about my life. I have diabetes. I found out I had it back in August when I went back to living with my mom. I have to get two shots a day. I tried to fight my mom for the first few months so she wouldn't give me shots, but she was persistent. Now, I realize they actually make me feel better so I just bear with them. I have my good days and bad days with my health, as we all do I'm sure.

A normal day for me involves sleeping on my moms lap or curled up in my bed. Since I'm 9 now I don't have the energy to run and play with my younger sisters Savanna and Marlow. I can remember being young like them and loving to run in the front yard with Emma. We had to jump over the grass because we were so small, but we always just made a game out of it so it was fun!

Well, I'm getting tired again and mom needs the computer. I'm sure one of my sisters will blab on here soon.

Bye now.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Welcome to our world

Hi!! We - Marlow, Emma, Ellie, and Savanna - are starting a new blog to keep you updated on our exciting daily life! We wanted to invite you to join us throughout our journeys and share yours with us also!
Here is a little about us....

I'm Emma. I am a 4lb all black teacup poodle. I am 9 years young. My sister is Ellie. She too is 4lbs, but I'm still smaller than her. Ellie is going blind with old age, so I am kind of like her seeing eye dog... (get it, hehe.) We just got a new sister named Savanna. She is an all white, maltese bichon mixture. Gosh, she's pretty. I love her, but sometimes we argue. Our other sister - she's our step sister - is Marlow. Shes a grey shih tzu. She's just as feisty as me. You'll figure us all out more throughout our daily blog posts. 

Come back and talk to us soon!!